TechDrawGui API/it

(Novembre 2018) Queste informazioni potrebbero essere incomplete e obsolete. Per l'ultima API, consultare autogenerated API documentation.

Queste funzioni fanno parte di TechDraw e possono essere utilizzate nelle macro e dalla console Python dopo l'importazione del modulo TechDraw.

Vedere TechDraw API per altre funzioni.


import FreeCAD
import TechDrawGui

p = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Page

f = "/home/localuser/myPdfDirectory/savePage.pdf"
TechDrawGui.exportPageAsPdf(p, f)

f = "/home/localuser/mySvgDirectory/savePage.svg"
TechDrawGui.exportPageAsSvg(p, f)
exportPageAsPdf(pageObject, filePath)

Description: save a copy of pageObject in PDF format to location filePath

Returns: none

exportPageAsSvg(pageObject, filePath)

Description: save a copy of pageObject in SVG format to location filePath

Returns: none

copyActiveViewToSvgFile(document, filePath, (options))

Description: save a copy of the active view for "document" to file "filePath"

Returns: double (estimated scale)


addQGIToView(view, QGraphicsItem)

Description: add a QGraphicsItem (created using PySide) to a View

Returns: none